Afterwards Tony and I enjoyed slap up dinner at the Chinese restaurant just round the corner, before driving home.
My other big news of the day is that I have today finished the writing of 'Winner'. Altogether around 64,000 words written in 27 days. Not bad for fledgling writer. I've loved writing it so much. This evening after penning the last line I sat on the sofa and said that after the proofing which I have already started I will take a break. At which pint a voice said but here's the first chapter of the sequel. It was so attention grabbing that I grabbed a pen and wrote it down by hand. Tony even assisted adding detail to the sketched idea. I daren't open a new file on the PC just yet or December will be full of me writing instead of taking care of business, such as preparing for Christmas. So tomorrow I shall continue the proof-reading, and in my spare time when not preparing lessons and doing the other usual Monday stuff I shall be designing and preparing the TulStig Christmas card too. Tony has suggested a design I just need to work it out.
It seems creativity is abundant in the TulStig household at the moment, just as requested from the Universe .... this law of attraction is something else!!
As I said in my post on your poem - the box of words is open