Wednesday, 9 November 2011

This morning we had a bit of a drama as the washing machine refused to empty on the spin cycle. This meant that we had to pull the machine out, but first of all empty the shelves and cupboard that rest atop it. We eventually managed to disconnect the pipe at the sink and cleared the water from it. Drama averted, and at least it meant that we could give the area behind the macing and cupboards a good clean out- every cloud they say. R2 was also delighted as we found his hairband. Now this is a ting elastic band thingy that he's had since he was a tiny kitten and it's one of his favourite toys, but as it's so small it's always going missing under things. He spent the rest of the morning wandering around shouting. That's just how happy he was. Then when I settled down to type he insisted on  a game of fetch- YES R2 plays fetch, and I took a video to prove just how good he is at it (Which seems to be taking so long to upload that I'm fed up waiting so have cancelled and will retry in the morning! -Check back tomorrow for the amazing Errydos)

As for the writing- can't go a day without mentioning that really can I -I'm now just over 19,000 words, even though I seemed to have so little time for typing today. The story's still flowing nicely and the heroes of the piece have just acquired a couple of pets!

And for now here's one of three of ours in a loving circle: 

1 comment:

  1. One of the things I am most enJOYing about the story-writing is hearing how 'things' occur and become incorporated in the plot. Even though we aren't reading the actual story, I am loving the inspiration flowing through you ... thanks, Mark!


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