Wednesday, 23 November 2011

New -Right wing- Government

After Sunday's elections in Spain we now have a right wing government. The Tories are in power, and already they're flexing their muscles. The new Prime Minister, Mario Rajoy, has petitioned for the reversal of Gay marriage laws. To say I am incensed is just abut right. One of the reasons we feel so comfortable here is because of the equality we have so far been afforded. We married in 2007 in a ceremony equivalent to any other citizen of Spain. IT seems that our new PM is against equality. I can't imagine he will be well supported here in Catalonia, and has already ensured we will not support him in Casa TulStig. If these are the first rights to be eroded ho much further will the new government go. They were elected to improve the economy - how does reversing our rights do this? It'll be quite the opposite- No Gay marriage = no Gay celebration of gay marriage = less money going to hotels, venues etc etc etc.
Watch this space for further news.....


  1. Wow.
    I saw your tweet this morning. I'm sure there will be (quite rightly) some kind of uprising against this new regime? Having said that, it's a worry that he was voted in in the first place?

  2. Unfortunately, just like in England, people had had enough of the socialist government and thought a change could be good. Just like in England we are all waiting for those laws now to favour the rich, and disenfranchise all us other poor sods. And Yes I'm sure there will be some backlash. I've already heard some 'tutting' from the Sitges area!

  3. Hah! I can imagine the tutting from the Sitges area! Someone should invite him down for a night out. He may just realise what he's missing!

  4. Mark I am so sorry to hear this - these sort of archaic ideas are abhorrent and it annoys the life out of me. Who you love and want to spend your life with, is the right of every human.


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