Tuesday, 8 November 2011

A run of the mill day, or not....

Just another run of the mill day here at TulStig Towers, as if there is ever such a thing. I am so lucky to have so many wonderful days!

Started off a bit different when Tony tried to get out of bed and strained his back, so decided it would be best to stay there for a while, while I sent a bit of Reiki. Meanwhile I did some washing, walked the dogs swept and mopped the tiles inside and out, stripped and recovered the sofas (not as incredible as it sounds, just removing the covers and throws) made some lunch, let the Gas man in for a service revision, prepared some lessons and well that was quite enough for a morning's work.

When Tony got up we had lunch- a delicious vegetable curry soup. Then I settled down at the PC to write. Tony settled down to proof. He says he's enjoying the story and commented that some of my characters sound very similar to some of our friends.  Interestingly I had made a  few connections myself, but one or two of the characters I thought were originals but after he pointed out the similarities I was a little surprised, and he was  right. Interesting -Are you in my new novel? We both are!

I'm just off 17,500 words now and still ahead of the game. Still enjoying writing, and still hoping to finish in time.

Through Facebook, today, the wonderful Michelle did me a 'Face-Forward' oracle card reading, which was quite amazing -  My present is full of abundance- I could no more disagree with that than fly to the moon. My immediate future is 'beginnings' - changes are afoot. That's just what I've been feeling lately. Exactly what they are I'm not sure but I know there will be some. And for slightly longer term future (3-6 months) Grace and Delight which suggests the new path I am choosing will be one of wholeness. Michelle ended the reading with the following:
" My sense is that you will live from a place of harmony (grace + delight) and 'change it up' as your nature demands so you keep things interesting and creative. The underlying 'essence' of Mark will be steady, consistent, in integrity and whole." - How much better could that be? Thank you so much Michelle.

Yesterday I received a wonderful package from Australia-  Michelle has carried out a past-life reading for me as well as the online card reading and recorded it to CD. It's sitting here beside me on the desk as I promise myself to make some time to listen to it. I'm sure it contains some incredible insights, and messages from my pre-ME past for the future me.

Life is good. I'm not sure what I did to deserve all this wonderfulness but as sure as eggs is eggs I am more than happy things are so great.  As I started so shall I finish: Just another run of the mill day here at TulStig Towers, as if there is ever such a thing. I am so lucky to have so many wonderful days


  1. Blessings come to those who deserve them and I know that you are one of those people.
    Like you I keep finding characters in my book that are composites of people I know. I write from my soul and my gut, so that helps. So happy you are enjoying the writing. Great word count. Congrats

  2. Thanks Beverly. I think we can both give ourselves a hearty pat on the back!

  3. I LOVED doing both your readings, Mark!! And, I am really enJOYing the journey of your story ... I am so looking forward to reading the latest missive and seeing how much of "You" is in there. :)


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